Mary Jo - Positive Changes Hypnosis Beaverton

Mary Jo worked at Positive Changes Hypnosis of Beaverton, Oregon for more than 4 years before the company went out of business in 2017. You can still work with Mary Jo directly through her new company, Empowering Hypnosis in Portland, Oregon.


Mary Jo has helped hundreds of clients make life changes in the areas of weight loss, overcoming addictions, stress and anxiety, managing pain and more.


She is a certified hypnotist who earned her certificate from the NW Hypnosis Institute, in Milwaukie,Oregon and I’m a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH).I have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of clients over the past four and half years; working to get rid of unwanted habits and behavioral issues.


I have used hypnosis for myself in several different areas, so I know the true power of hypnosis and the long term effect it has in making the behavior changes necessary to achieve my goals. I can relate to my clients through my own life experiences and compassionate nature. I believe in getting to the root of the issue to help people make real and lasting changes in their lives.

How Hypnosis Helps You Make Life Giving Changes

What if you could work with a part of your mind that is 1000 times more powerful than your conscious mind – that’s the subconscious mind, the one that can help you with changes that you want to make. It’s the subconscious mind that hypnosis speaks to. Hypnosis is a deeply relaxing, day-dreaming state;(a state between sleeping and waking). Your mind is open to suggestions, so you can change old habits, behaviors, addictions, or life stories that no longer serve you. YOU are always in control. Although I am right there with you, I cannot make you say or do anything that you don’t want. You will be able to live a happier, healthier life by getting rid of the stress, tension, and strain on your body and mind that you have become accustomed to.


 Understanding Hypnosis

When a person is hypnotized, they are not asleep or in some strange trance state. The hypnotized individual is aware of everything that is taking place. Even after being brought out of hypnosis, a person will be able to recall anything that took place during the session.

Empowering Hypnosis


(971) 777-2740



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Contact Jo for a FREE 1/2 Hour Consultation and learn how hypnosis can help you make lasting changes.